Insect Shield® has launched a workwear online store with expanded product offerings for people who work outdoors and need protection from insects and the diseases they carry. This makes protective clothing and gear available at locations across the globe. The new storefront offers the added functionality of zoom to reveal detailed product feature views, videos to explain how the technology works and enhanced site navigation.
The product offerings include workwear, professional apparel and accessories. The clothing also offers sun protection, flame resistance and high visibility. There are additional protective items, such as mosquito nets, for use at home.
Many corporations within the oil and gas, mining and forestry industries, in particular, operate out of regions where insect-borne disease is one of the largest risks to employee health. Insect Shield’s expanded lineup of repellent work wear offers vital protection against a variety of insects that can cause dangerous diseases such as malaria, dengue fever or Lyme disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately half the world’s population is at risk for malaria; 40,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported every year in the U.S. alone. Recently, researchers have found yet another insect-borne disease caused by ticks. The as-yet unnamed disease is said to be caused by the borrelia miyamotoi pathogen carried by blacklegged ticks.
Insect Shield’s clothing treatment repels ticks, ants, flies, chiggers, and midges (no-see-ums) through 70 launderings.