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Bulwark FR launches iQ Series

Industry News | February 7, 2014 | By:

Bulwark® FR, Nashville, Tenn., has launched a new product line, the iQ Series™. Designed to meet the needs of workers and linemen in the electric utility, oil and gas, emerging energy and NFPA 70E® (manufacturing) industries. The iQ Series offers wearers increased comfort through breathability, mobility, softness, durability and moisture wicking, while providing protection from flames, arc flash fires and similar dangers.

Bulwark, in partnership with specialty and protective fabrics producer Milliken & Co., developed the science behind the iQ series. As part of the engineering process, Milliken created yarns, fabric, and chemistry for improved workers’ comfort and productivity while providing FR and heat protection. Nine iQ Series products—six knits and three wovens—will be offered in men’s and women’s styles. The Bulwark brand has future plans to expand the iQ Series platform.

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