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Smart phone app helps design a custom dress

Out There | February 10, 2017 | By:

A dress designed in collaboration with Google and ivyrevel will soon be the newest offering on the smart clothing market. Photo: Ivyrevel.
A dress designed in collaboration with Google and ivyrevel will soon be the newest offering on the smart clothing market. Photo: Ivyrevel.

The H&M-backed Swedish fashion house Ivyrevel has teamed up with Google and MediaMonks to create a personalized garment based on data gathered by a smartphone app. Ivyrevel calls the technology “Coded Couture.” The company says it works on the philosophy that fashion and technology go hand-in-hand.

When you want a new dress to wear to a party next week, the app will record where you’ve been, what you’ve done and what the weather’s like, then apply that knowledge to your dress design. The app matches collected information with couture techniques, material, silhouette and other details for each custom-designed dress.

In summer, the app chooses a thinner material; if the wearer’s activity level is high, coded couture can propose a looser fit for day-to-day activities. The app assesses current fashion by using algorithms based on trend analysis, which also influence the design of each dress.

The app is in its closed alpha phase. Soon, the process will be tested to evaluate the data dresses and the success of the app.

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