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Kappler offers an economical disposable biohazard suit

What's New? | May 25, 2018 | By:

Protective apparel maker Kappler has developed an economical suit to protect healthcare responders against the Ebola virus and other biohazards. reports that the NFPA-certified suit, ProVent Plus, a use-and-dispose product, provides protection for emergency responders and healthcare workers faced with Ebola-infected body fluids and other biohazards.

The product is distinctive for being economical and single-use, while meeting the demanding requirements of the NFPA 1999 apparel standard. It offeres emergency responders and healthcare workers proven protection at a fraction of the cost of expensive reusable garments, and it alleviates the uncertainty surrounding reusable suit decontamination practices.

“The latest Ebola outbreak in Africa underscores the sense of urgency for a cost-effective protective apparel solution,” said Kappler president Laura Kappler-Roberts. “ProVent Plus provides the same certified blood and viral protection as reusable suits costing many times more.”

In addition to passing the ASTM F1670 blood penetration and ASTM F1671 viral penetration tests, ProVent Plus is a microporous fabric that offers increased comfort with its high moisture-vapor transmission rate.

Kappler’s ProVent Plus garment (style PPH39-99) is made in the USA and certified to NFPA 1999 for use as part of a system of components with other protective equipment including respiratory, eye and face protection, examination gloves, boot/shoe covers and over aprons. ProVent Plus also meets OSHA and CDC guidelines.

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