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Hohenstein expands services with new laboratory acquisition

In the Industry | March 13, 2023 | By:

Boennigheim, Germany–based testing services provider Hohenstein has acquired the DAkkS accredited QAT Services Ltd. laboratory in Hong Kong. With this acquisition, Hohenstein is integrating the hardgoods knowledge of QATS employees into its portfolio. As a result, Hohenstein will provide full-service capabilities for Greater China and beyond.

“The expansion is a strategically important step for Hohenstein,” says Prof. Mecheels, owner and CEO of Hohenstein. “We are expanding our testing spectrum beyond the textile industry, in which we have been an established service provider for decades – and thus ensure both safe products and secure jobs.” From now on, Hohenstein will also test food contact material, furniture, toys and more. 

With more than 40 offices and laboratories, Hohenstein is an international partner for independent testing, certification and applied research around the human-product-environment interaction. They develop science-based methods and standards that consider the user in real life, not just in the lab. 

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