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Navigating “Green Claims” regulatory change

EcoNote | April 22, 2024 | By:

Due to increasing concerns regarding climate change, consumers are seeking ways to contribute positively. Recently, the European Parliament voted to implement a Green Claims Directive, which is aimed at protecting consumers from misleading practices that could obstruct well-informed purchasing decisions. Lenzing Group, a global producer of wood-based specialty fibers, is committed to working with the textile value chain to navigate through the changing regulatory landscape, and to support consumers in making informed choices. 

With a focus on improving product labeling to prevent the usage of vague environmental claims, “The Directive is an opportunity to boost value chain transparency, driving brands towards stricter value chain management policies,” said Florian Heubrandner, Lenzing’s executive vice president of global textiles business.

According to the company, it was the first fiber producer to be awarded the EU Ecolabel for textile products in 2002. Lenzing continues to focus on enhancing its impact on the value chain, driving systematic change and advancing circularity. Through refining its fiber solutions and fiber offerings, Lenzing works closely with its value chain partners to support their progress in transparency.

To drive systematic change in the textile industry, collaboration is central to Lenzing’s approach to advancing transparency. “For instance, we have been sharing our sustainability credentials with customers and actively taking part in programs organized by partners like Sustainable Apparel Coalition and Textile Exchange,” Florian said.

To maximize traceability, having an innovative fiber identification technology that traces fibers from yarn to the final product is just one part of the solution. The company also works with a third-party blockchain technology service partner, so that each step along the supply chain is recorded and transparent. Given evolving consumer needs and regulatory landscapes, the company stresses the importance of staying abreast of changes and consumer behaviors. 

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