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Huntsman launches neon shades with ERIONYL FF dyes

What's New? | May 5, 2016 | By:

Singapore–based textile dye and chemical specialist Huntsman Textile Effects has introduced ERIONYL® Flavine FF and Rhodamine FF neon dyes to address a growing demand for polyamide dyes as polyamide fibers become increasingly popular in the functional elastic apparel market.

The dyes can be used in combination with Huntsman Textile Effects ALBATEX® AB-45 pH buffer, ERIONAL® FRN fastness improver or INVALON® FL machine cleaner.

The ERIONYL dye range is now complete with the ERIONYL Flavine FF and Rhodamine FF dyes. The range provides dyeing concepts for specific requirements while delivering high-quality neon shades and state-of-the-art fastness typical for such kind of shades.

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