Educated guesswork
January 15th, 2024
On a semi-regular basis, this publication has run a “year in review” feature in January. That may mean the previous year, or it could include the year that’s just begun. This January, it means both. We are starting, logically, with the previous year, but the upcoming feature (“Looking ahead”) may seem like déjà vu all […]
2023: The year that was
January 15th, 2024
If one was to run a political, economic, social, technology (PEST) analysis on the smart and advanced textile industry for the year, “P” would dominate, as politics has impacted all sectors. But that is not to diminish important developments that have taken place in the industry, in some cases because of the conflicts, and in others despite them. Toray recycled […]
New “skin” could help prosthetics and robots sense injuries
June 28th, 2021
An artificial skin attached to a person’s knee develops a purple “bruise” when hit forcefully against a metal cabinet. Photo: Adapted from ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c04911. When a person bumps an elbow against a wall, they not only feel pain but can also experience bruising. But robots and prosthetic limbs don’t have these […]
ShadowSense gives robots a sense of “touch”
February 22nd, 2021 Researchers give soft robots a human touch. Video: Cornell University Touch-sensitive electronic skin for robots is a project under development by a number of groups. Cornell University reports that scientists there are pursuing a simpler approach, however, using shadow-imaging cameras to let robots know when they're being touched. Known as ShadowSense, the experimental system incorporates a […]
Robotic glove designed for hand paralysis
February 10th, 2020
Images and video: Neofect. Koreon start-up Neofect has developed a robotic glove that's meant to help patients suffering from paralysis. The product prototype, named Neomano, is a smart glove designed for patient rehabilitation of the hand following a stroke, spinal cord injury, or another condition that limits patients’ ability to use their hands. The wearable hand robot helps […]
Better together
March 10th, 2017
Collaborative efforts support growth in the smart textiles industry. The more high tech an industry is, the greater the range of expertise it may need. Advanced textiles, particularly smart materials, are a prime example of this. Textiles often undergo a variety of processes requiring specialized skills and equipment, so collaboration is essential to the industry. […]