HeiQ’s newest thermoregulation technology, Smart Temp, is activated by the wearer’s body heat to enable instant cooling and long-lasting cooling on fabric. According to the company, HeiQ Adaptive AC-06 is designed to mimic the body’s evaporative cooling system, perspiration, and adjust to body heat so users don’t get a chill.
Designed to give an instant cool sensation via a melting action when body heat rises, the action is independent from moisture (i.e., before the first sign of sweat) and is meant to increase cooling efficiency by delaying the buildup of body heat and sweat.
The product’s predecessor, AC-03, have the temperature control feature and provide either instant cool, long-lasting cooling or both effects. The two cooling actions work independently, so activewear manufacturers can choose to add one or both effects depending on fabric type and intended use of the final product.
Founded as a spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), HeiQ’s goal is to create effective, durable and high-performance technology for today’s textile market.