As companies pivot to producing and testing personal protective equipment for healthcare workers, there are lots of questions. AATCC has created a series of webinars to answer questions about AATCC test methods commonly used to evaluate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
The first two webinars address test methods cited in AAMI PB70 for liquid barrier performance of protective apparel and drapes. Each webinar covers the fundamentals of testing, best practices and applications for PPE.
Each webinar in the series is offered at no cost to Individual and Corporate members of AATCC and at a discount for nonmembers. Registration is available online via the AATCC website. Members must contact Kim Nicholson at least 24 hours in advance to receive the member registration code.
“Impact Penetration Testing for Textiles” is scheduled for May 28 and will be presented by Diana Wyman, AATCC executive vice president. The webinar includes full descriptions and demonstration of apparatus, materials, and testing procedure.
“Hydrostatic Pressure Testing for Textiles” will be offered June 3 and presented by Erika Simmons, AATCC technical director. Hydrostatic pressure testing is required for level 2 and 3 medical gowns and drapes. It is also commonly used for evaluating high-performance rainwear.
Founded as the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC), the association provides test method development, quality control materials, education, and professional networking for a global audience. For information contact Kim Nicholsonat