CEMATEX (European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers) has announced six finalists among its 30 entries for two ITMA Sustainable Innovation Awards: the Industry Excellence Award and the Research and Innovation (R&I) Excellence Award.
The new awards program is part of a continuing effort by CEMATEX to recognize contributions to sustainability efforts in developing the global textile and garment industry. In particular, the award “celebrates the successful collaboration between technology providers and industry users,” said Charles Beauduin, president of CEMATEX.
The Industry Excellence Award finalists are:
- Berto Industria Tessile (Italy), manufacturer of denim products, which has significantly reduced the amount of liquid needed in finishing denim fabrics, resulting in energy savings and less wastewater produced.
- Yarn manufacturer Gebrüder Otto (Germany) produces a jersey fabric using up to 35 percent less energy compared to the conventional process.
- Levi Strauss & Co. (USA) has started preliminary development using the new NoStone® garment washing system from Italian garment-finishing technology company , Tonello, to help make denim finishing more sustainable, cost-effective and efficient.
The three finalists for the R&I Excellence Award are:
- Jan Vincent Jordan, Institut Für Textiltechnik, RWTH Aachen University for his Master’s thesis: Development & Assembly of a Test Bench for the Analysis of Magnetic Weft Insertion
- Jenifer Schneidereit, Hochschule Niederrhein, for her Master’s thesis: Sustainable Water Use in Textile Wet Processing: Development of a List of Improvement Measures for a Self-Assessment Tool for Factories
- Moniruddoza Ashir, Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology, TU Dresden, for a Master’s thesis: Development of Hybrid Woven Structures for Lightweight Applications
Winners will be announced at ITMA 2015 in Milan in November.