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Conductive origami creates novel light switch

Out There | August 12, 2019 | By:

Industrial designer Yael Akirav has explored a new way of turning on light fixtures by using 3D printing of conductive filament directly on a textile, which is then folded using origami techniques. When the printed material conducts electricity, the origami-like intersecting folds of the fabric turn on the light by contracting and stretching the structure.

Photo: Ofek Avshalom.

The rigid printing onto the textile allows the creation of complex elements and a variety of designs. The conductive filament is also used as the structural skeleton of the lighting fixtures, each with its own folding and opening method. 

The conductive elements in the lamps allow for dimmer mechanisms that respond to the variety of lamps Akirav has created that resemble accordions, stars and flowers.


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