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37.5 Technology shown to increase athletic efficiency

What's New? | June 21, 2016 | By:

A blind study conducted by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder has shown that wearing 37.5® technology can improve thermoregulation during exercise, the company reports. By reducing the increase in core temperature during exercise, similar to wearing a cooling vest circulating cold water, the added cooling from 37.5 technology increases energy efficiency and output. The UC researchers found 37.5 technology:

  • extends an athlete’s performance at their lactate threshold
  • lowers core temperature during exercise
  • increases efficiency so an athlete uses less energy to do the same amount of work
  • decreases the rate of core temperature build up.

Managing core temperature is a key factor in determining performance and efficiency. It is critical to maximize the body’s built-in cooling mechanisms (evaporation of sweat) to help reduce the buildup of core temperature.

The study used three different cases to determine effects of cooling on physiological indicators for human subjects—a typical wicking T-shirt, an otherwise identical 37.5 T-shirt, and an ice vest and sleeves. The two shirts were blinded to both the investigators and participants. Each case delivered a different level of cooling to athletes that were requested to maintain an exercise intensity on a stationary bicycle that resulted in an increasing heat stress. The athletes were tested for a wide range of physiological parameters before, during and after the activity. Core temperature, skin temperature, sweat rate, oxygen intake, carbon dioxide output and blood levels were closely monitored and measured.

37.5 technology was created by Boulder-based high-performance wear developer Cocona Inc. Previously, 37.5 technology was marketed under the Cocona brand name, as the original active carbon particles were derived from coconut shells. The technology has since been expanded to use additional natural materials.

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