ShadowSense gives robots a sense of “touch”

February 22, 2021  |  Out There

Touch-sensitive electronic skin for robots is a project under development by a number of groups. Cornell University reports that scientists there are pursuing a simpler approach, however, using shadow-imaging cameras to let robots know when they’re being touched. Known as ShadowSense…
Researchers create thread that senses and tracks movement

February 8, 2021  |  Out There

Engineers at Tufts University in Massachusetts have created and demonstrated flexible thread-based sensors that can measure movement of the neck, providing data on the direction, angle of rotation and degree of displacement of the head.  The discovery raises the potential for thin, inconspicuou…
Absorbent film could lead to sweat-powered wearables

January 25, 2021  |  Out There

Researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a new film that can absorb sweat and potentially use the moisture to power wearable electronics. For sweat to cool us down properly, it needs to evaporate, which carries the heat away. The new film is designed to speed that pro…
MIT researchers send sensing fabrics to the ISS for testing

December 21, 2020  |  Out There

A team of MIT researchers has sent samples of high-tech fabrics, some with embedded sensors or electronics, to the International Space Station (ISS). According to information released by MIT News, the samples will be exposed to the space environment for a year to determine a baseline for how we…
Fruit fly eye study could impact future textiles

October 26, 2020  |  Out There

Russian and Swiss scientists have learned how to replicate a nanocoating with antimicrobial, anti-reflective and self-cleaning properties, based on the structures covering the corneas of fruit fly eyes, that could find applications in the textile industry. Researchers from Far Eastern Federal Unive…
Solight Design launches the SEEUS95 self-adhering mask

September 14, 2020  |  Out There

Known for its solar-powered and origami-inspired lighting, Solight Design, based in New York, N.Y., has ventured into the mask design arena with the SEEUS95 clear, self-adhering, earloop-free mask, which the company says can provide better protection than masks made with nonwoven polypropylene, wove…
Designer works with researchers to create “biogarmentry”

September 14, 2020  |  Out There

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. consumers send about 70 percent of the clothes and footwear produced each year to landfill. Project Biogarmentry, by designer Roya Aghighi, has been launched to address the drastic increase in the environmental impact of textile waste and …
Transforming Touch project is all about serious play

September 8, 2020  |  Out There

London-based smart textile designer Michelle Rinow has unveiled her Transforming Touch Series, which was developed based on research about the benefits of sensory play for adults. “Many people think play is just for children, but I believe play is necessary through all stages of life and…
“Smart” face mask translates and transcribes language

July 27, 2020  |  Out There

With mask-wearing now a part of everyday life worldwide, designers and innovators have tried to provide improved face coverings that address a variety of concerns. Some have been made transparent; others are made with biodegradable materials to address disposal problems. But among the innovations, …
Twisting elastomers show promise in soft robotics

June 22, 2020  |  Out There

Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh and Harvard University have demonstrated a new method for ‘programming’ liquid crystalline elastomers (LCEs) that enables them to twist and bend in the presence of light. This made it possible to replicate the complex twisting actions of the…